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Author: David

Preparing Soil for a Vegetable Garden – Your Foundation

Preparing Soil for a Vegetable Garden – Your Foundation

The soil is your foundation in a vegetable garden.  It represents a huge factor in whether or not your garden will succeed or fail.  The better you prepare and keep your soil, the better your vegetables will grow.  The more time and effort you invest in planning and preparing soil for a vegetable garden the less time you will ultimately have to spend in maintaining weeds and other problems.

Indoor Container Vegetable Gardening – Seed to Bed

Indoor Container Vegetable Gardening – Seed to Bed

Growing Vegetables Indoors Starting plants from seeds, while seemingly complicated, is one of the most common and rewarding types of gardening. There are a few steps that need to be learned, and a small amount of equipment to buy, to be a successful seed gardener. As a result, indoor container vegetable gardening is an established practice that has many benefits. Plants that flower and produce buds are started from seed.

Frugal Gardening Containers – Your Choices Abound

Frugal Gardening Containers – Your Choices Abound

Utilizing containers is a great way to enhance your existing garden, or begin your first one.  For those on a budget the use of frugal gardening containers will enable you to feature an attractive garden without breaking your pocketbook.  The money you can potentially save by taking a little time to be creative in your container selection can be used in other areas of your landscape, or for other needs in your household.

Best Inexpensive Ground Cover – The Landscape Makeover

Best Inexpensive Ground Cover – The Landscape Makeover

Ground Covers are increasing in popularity among residential property owners, and with good reason.  The best inexpensive ground cover ideas can literally transform an area from a dry, boring, tired look with patchy grass and bare spots into a beautiful, creative, lush space that you will be proud to show off to your friends will admire for years.

How to Get Rid of Weeds From the Flower Beds

How to Get Rid of Weeds From the Flower Beds

Weeds are often the biggest frustration a gardener deals with, but it usually doesn’t have to be that way. How to get rid of weeds from the flower beds in your landscape is a question you will be dealing with at some point very early in your gardening endeavors.  How you address this issue will determine to a large extent how happy you are with your garden.

Flowering Shrubs That Like Shade – My Favorites

Flowering Shrubs That Like Shade – My Favorites

The Challenge of Shade Shade is a welcome feature in any landscape during the swelter of a summer day.  The benefits are many, and the visual contrast provided between shady and adjacent sunny areas are beautiful.  But there are challenges to growing shrubs in shady areas.  Despite those hurdles, you can make this an opportunity rather than a hindrance.  There are a number of flowering shrubs that like shade.

Evergreen Shrubs in Landscaping – Five to Consider

Evergreen Shrubs in Landscaping – Five to Consider

Use of evergreen shrubs in landscaping is an extremely common gardening practice. By definition, an evergreen is a plant that retains its leaves or foliage year round, in contrast to a deciduous plant which sheds it’s foliage in the winter.  Both can be used in the same landscape and planted as either trees or shrubs.  This article will focus on shrubs.

Gardening Soil Preparation

Gardening Soil Preparation

Success in your garden lies to a large extent in your soil.  And for that reason proper gardening soil preparation is essential in laying the foundation for what you plan to do.  And unfortunately, when you decide to start a garden the odds are that the soil you will have to work with initially isn’t going to be suitable to grow what you want.  You are most likely going to have to take steps to amend your soil to get it to where…

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Shade Garden Plans

Shade Garden Plans

Starting a garden in a shady area can be accomplished nicely with a little bit of advanced preparation.   Before starting your shade garden plans you need to realize a few things about the shade you are dealing with.